Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Devil Take The Hindmost

Exams!!!! Yaaaaay!!!!!!!

Ahahahaha, its funny because its untruthful. I started out my week with a lovely Global Exam: 50 multiple choice questions rounded off with a Thematic Essay and a Document Based Question essay. It wouldnt have been so bad if the DBQ had more than 4 documents that had anything to do with Ancient Civ, and even better if it had to do with Geography, which was what I was writing about Ancient Civs, would have been a literal blessing from god if the 4 documents were about specific civilizations!!!!! But alas, I just made up by writing about the Neolithic Age and Mesopotamia, I used some knowledge I gathered from an Ancient Civ class at S1s college for the Mesopotamia paragraph. Today I had my last exam for the week, INTEGRATED ALGEBRA. I hate algebra. I hate it I hate it I hate it.... times infinity plus x²+4x+8... WAIT THATS A PARABOLIC FUNCTION NOOOOOO!!!! Im just glad its done, I nearly missed the bus today, and then 2 minutes after being on the bus we had to pull over and call for a new bus because ours had overheated and was smoking. I hate exams.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Satan Exists, And Shes In My Livingroom

GM1 came to town! Timing could not have been worse if it were planned. Exams all over the place and a million and one things that need to be done by 3pm tomorrow. She is the embodiment of all that drives me insane. Even better, one of the A's is coming tomorrow! More family to add to stress. Ah yes, today in school I made nametags for myself containing Russian Cyrillic and French and wore them around while people stared. I taught a few people what they said. Yesterday when we were in the city 1/2hr from us visiting another one of the A's we went to a pub-restaurant. I made a nametag that said 'DEAD INSIDE' and wore it around. Bankers who were on a business trip asked me for directions and, upon noticing my nametag, were a bit skiddish about asking me anything. Tomorrow Im going to wear a nametag that says something like 'Wheres the booze' in a dead language. On my last exam maybe Ill run around the school screaming. Noone will remember my name come september!

Monday, June 9, 2008

And out of the sweltering heat

Comes this blog, The Life of V1. My mother, known as M1 (My parents wish that animosity be retained), has begun blogging and I decided that I should make my own blog to be able to write about the, rather comical, ongoings of the household. My mom, being a lesbian, has a girlfriend (Who she has had for about 13 years. Basically the span of my life). Who shall be refered to as M2. I am V1. Victim 1. My sister shall be known as S1, my brothers shall be called S2 and S3. S standing for sibling. My grandmothers shall be known as GM1 and GM2. My grandfather will be refered to as G1. My aunts shall be called A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 (Im sure theres many more). Uncles shall be refered to with U1 and U2 (Im sure theres more uncles, just I cannot remember them). And for the next schoolyear Teachers will be abbreviated with T(#) and students with some significance to my life will be later added. As for today I shall write. The day started out as always. I leap out of bed over S1's cat, she left her with me while shes of at some archaelogical dig (S1 is in college). I rifled through my dressers, grabbed some shorts, a T-Shirt, said good morning to my rabbit (Yes, a rabbit. I got him when I was younger and now he lives ontop of my dresser. He has to be the oldest living rabbit.) I run out of my room and check the living room. M2 slept in there last night. All of our dogs (We have 4, not my idea.) are sitting around as our bird (Once again, not my idea.) Screams at me from his cage. Hes a finch and he controls the living room. He likes spongebob and movies where people die. I then normally run around looking for my shoes, gym clothes, and pens. I tell M1 Im leaving then I walk to the bus stop.

I try to sit alone on the bus, near impossible sometimes, and when I sit with someone I try not to notice them because then they'll try talking to me. Its annoying. The bus stop and lets us off at school. I go through the hordes of people and go to the second floor where my locker is situated. I have classes on the 3rd, but the school sucks at spacemaking, so Im on the second. I swear Im the only one with a clear locker. I only use it for gym clothes so it doesnt have much use. And 60% of the time the girl with the locker next to mine stares at me and chokes out a few sentences. Alot of girls try that with me. I smile and pretend like I care.

I then go through the checklist for my day. Homeroom, Global History, Language Sit Around And Read Animal Farm, Study hall (This is my 'Extra curricular class'), Gym (I have a choice between playing Deathball, the title Ive given to all games we play in gym, or walking around the track with a girl who is half-decent and perhaps is tolerable enough for me not to completely hate.), Team Academic (A term coined by the people at NY state. Its a double period of one of our normal periods.), Lunch (Towards the end of this year I got dragged, literally, into sitting at a lunch table with some girls), Math, and then Science (Loud show of stupid jokes and not learning anything). After all that I go to my locker, if I had gym, and then walk right out of the school where M1 and M2 pick me up. Normally dragging me to the Bank, or the grocery store, or clothes shopping, or taking a quick trip to the moon. Little things like that which somehow take an hour to accomplish. Today it was going to Aldi's. I sat in the car with the AC on while they went in. If I went in I would have had to fill bags and sometimes boxes. I thought we were going home, but no, we were going to one of the many indian reservations in our area. Upon getting to the indian reservation (Which takes forever to get to) M1 and M2 came to realisation that we had icecream in the trunk. M2 got ciggarettes. M1 and M2 decided that we should get food from a hotdog stand. I put hotsauce on my hotdogs. They then remembered that they have icecream in the car again. We then had a lengthy conversation about S1's want for her laptop.

Upon getting home I had to clean the computer room because there were ants in there. M1 hates ants. After M1 and M2 went to take naps in the living room, my friend, known as F1, came to the door. We talked for a bit and eventually we went inside and played video games. Then I made this blog and now M1 is doing a back-and-forth drama on the phone with S1. Its always fun to listen in.